It's just a roasted pig's head on a platter. No need to cringe, or go ewww, or label me as a savage. All it is is pork. It's Lechon and it's delicious.
As I'm sure all of my Pinoy readers already know, Lechon is a whole roasted pig that is usually served for big parties and special occasions. For my family, we have Lechon on Thanksgiving (there's turkey too, but who cares really?). And as I mentioned in my last post, I only get to experience the awesomeness that is Lechon every other year since my wife and I alternate between families. And my wife's family does not eat Lechon (read: they be white).
Now, don't get me wrong, I get along famously (famously, I say!) with the in-laws. But the years when I'm at their place for Thanksgiving, my mind is invariably elsewhere--all I can think about is how I'm missing out on Lechon. Glorious Lechon.
In fact, when spending Thanksgiving at the in-laws, I always sneak out to the front porch and give one of my brothers a call on my cell phone to see what's going on at grandma's house:
Bro: Hello?
Me: Hey man, how's it going?
Bro: Good, everyone's here and we're all...
Me: Yeah, that's cool. Is there Lechon?
Bro: Yup. Hey you wanna talk to...
Me: How's it look? You eat yet? It's good right? Crispy? Tell me it's crispy, dammit!
Bro: Yup. It's the same as always. Hey you wanna say "Happy Thanksgiving" to anyone?
Me: Click.
I then crumple to the ground, curl into a ball and I quietly weep. Then my father in-law steps outside and I mumble something about dropping my contact lens, watery eyes, and pork, and then I slink back inside to have some turkey. Good times.
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